[What would you say about Adam and Eve? They were the first people and they were not monkeys. neither were Cane and Able.]
I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys. Next time I go to the zoo, I'll see which ones look like kin. Why didn't those poor monkeys evolve into humans yet? And the gorillas? When are they going to start talking and wearing clothes? I guess those Gieco caveman commercials have some merit. Some of us haven't fully evolved yet.
I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense.
Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow.
"I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense."
Well, it certainly makes more sense than your misinterpretation of evolutionary theory. Have you even read a single article about it that wasn't written by AiG?
"Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it?"
The Big Bang hypothesis and evolutionary theory have nothing to do with each other. That is why I can comfortably say that the former makes no sense, but the latter is valid.
I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense.
Only because of your lack of knowledge in regards to the Theory of Evolution. Nothing in your post reflects what evolution is about, nothing.
"Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow."
Much like how in the Bible Adam and Eve ate the apple and Samson killed 1000 dudes with an ass.
See, when you take your opponent's argument out of context, it doesn't make sense!
Well said goldenlady. Please learn a little bit about how evolution occurs then get back to us.
And by the way, your ancestors were not monkeys. Monkeys are modern evolved creatures, just like humans. It is is safe to say though that at some point in the relatively recent past that we shared a common ancestor with a monkey. It is a subtle difference but if you can try and grasp that you will be on your way.
"I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys."
Then you'll be relieved to know your ancestors were not, in fact, monkeys. They were apes. The monkeys are more like your cousins.
"Next time I go to the zoo, I'll see which ones look like kin. Why didn't those poor monkeys evolve into humans yet? And the gorillas? When are they going to start talking and wearing clothes? I guess those Gieco caveman commercials have some merit. Some of us haven't fully evolved yet."
You're not grasping this whole "evolution" thing I see.
"I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense."
Yes. If you're ignorant of science, living in the Bronze Age or you're three. Beyond that it's plainly obvious that it's bullshit.
"Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow."
Wow indeed you gibbering idiot. Nobody believes that because that's not what the theory states you moron.
Can I play, too?!
I would be really disappointed that fundies are in my species. Next time I go to a Baptist church, I'll see which one acts the most sane. Why didn't those poor kids grow up to see it's a myth? And the nuns, are they going to start cursing and wearing mini skirts? I guess this website has some merit. Some of us haven't caught on and really studied our bibles yet.
I think Adam and Eve make absolutely no sense in any way, shape, or form of logic. Of course, God just planted those fossils to test our faith..or maybe it was Satan! Yeah, Satan, that tit.
Oh, yeah, and the "God exists outside of time/always has just existed so ha ha" theory, huh. Isn't that where a magical, eternal being poofed into existence and decided to start a world that's imperfect and thus made himself into a person born from a virgin that will kill himself to save his perfect creation from himself?
Ohh..now it all makes sense!
I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys. Next time I go to the zoo, I'll see which ones look like kin. Why didn't those poor monkeys evolve into humans yet? And the gorillas? When are they going to start talking and wearing clothes? I guess those Gieco caveman commercials have some merit. Some of us haven't fully evolved yet.
I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense.
And just howthe hell do you get that? Seen any dirtpeople walking around?
Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow.
Not...even...in the fucking...ballpark.
"Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it?"
Erm ... no. It isn't.
Would you bother evolving if being a monkey got you a fenced-off environment, full medical coverage, and three squares?
Shoot, I'm pondering a career move now.
Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow.
"Look at me, I don't waste time on that stupid science crap! Wheeeee!"
Oh yeah, and 'The Genesis' theory. Isn't that where some white guy in a beard waved a magic wand and suddenly a man emerged from it, and then somehow the magic wand lost its power and He had to make the woman out of the man's rib; and then a talking snake tricked her into eating a piece of magic fruit and it made her want to cover her no-nos? Wow - that's a lot more believable.
"I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys."
You'd be disappointed if you knew the roots of your own beliefs too, or that your mother isn't the best cook in the world, so better not learn anything.
Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it?
You missed a couple trillion steps in the middle there.
"Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it?"
Yes, after 8 billion years. Of course, fundies don't comprehend that amount of time.
"I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense."
BZZZT! I'm sorry, but, if Adam and Eve make more sense to you than the ToE, what you are doing cannot be called thinking.
"I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys."
Why? As a person who deeply believes in their god wouldn't you rather think that God spent 4 billion years making you what you are rather than a bronze age fable?
"Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it?"
That's not even a decent straw man.
I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are religious. Next time I go to a church, I'll see which ones look like kin. Why didn't those poor fundies evolve into humans yet? And the pastors? When are they going to start talking sense and wearing decent toupees? I guess those Gieco caveman commercials have some merit. Some of us haven't fully evolved yet.
'I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense.'
Really? So Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel (BTW, that IS the correct spelling, darlin') and no daughters. So, where did Cain and Abel's wives come from? More dirt-folks? God just poofed them into existence? Fine: so even if Cain and Abel boinked their mom, it's still okay...because it's God's Word. Okay, I'm waiting...where does the sense part come into play?
Adam and Eve had three named sons, Cain, Abel and Seth, then other sons and daughters.
"The days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years; and he had other sons and daughters." (Genesis Ch5 V4)
It still doesn't make sense, though. There would have to be an awful lot of incest.
Mandy: Actually, when you look at some of the concentrated stupid in the world, the idea of the human race being the result of repeated incest doesn't seem that hard to believe. Disgusting, yes. Pessimistic, yes. But it would explain a lot.
Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow.
Conflating two wholly unrelated fields, and so dismiss both without understanding either? Wow indeed.
In the Sophism Olympics, you'd be a shoo-in for a Gold medal in the 10-Meter Fallacy event.
Oh yeah, and 'Creation' theory. Isn't that where your sky pixie crapped everything into existence out of his ass after eating a ginormous burrito? Wow. How stupid would you be to believe god created everything that way?
See? I can make up shit that makes you look like a fucking moron, too.
>> Cane and Able <<
Another Xtian, well read up on the subject.
>> I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys. <<
As would be the monkeys.
"When are they going to start talking and wearing clothes?"
When are you going to obtain a proper understanding of evolution?
"Some of us haven't fully evolved yet."
What, exactly, does "fully evolved" mean?
"'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it?"
No, it isn't.
First, it isn't "The Big Bang" theory, it's "The Big Bang Theory".
Second, it's obvious from your post you have just as much of an understanding of evolution and the BBT as Kent Hovind. And that isn't a good thing. Not at all. It's actually a very sad thing.
Neil would be sad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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