There is Public and Private schools.
In a socialistic socity there would only be public schools but since we have the choice to go to a private school.
["I'm sorry to tell you but that is NOT correct. Socialist countries have both public and private schools. It's true that the US is a Capitalist country, but the public school system is SOCIALIST."]
Doesn't seem like it to me. If they were then I would be perscuted by them and in jail right now.
You don't know what socialism is, do you?
You just use it like McCarthy used "communism" in the 50s, huh?
Hmm, I was going to comment about how this person seems to have no idea what socialism is, but that seems to be par for the course with the majority of the opposition (and the supporters themselves*).
Most* seem to merely deflect that simple question of "What is socialism?" and change it into "What is bad about Capitalism?" (Completely ignoring my question and explaining nothing about what they hope to achieve). It's a rather annoying trait among the supporters*.
(*socialist supporters that I have talked to at uni, results may not be typical and I hope that they are not)
@ Semi-Christian
Basically socialism is a form of government that has higher taxation in order to supply a greater amount of public services to the people.
Universal healthcare
Subsidized education
Welfare programs that actually feed and house the poor.
Higher taxes, usually the more you make the more you pay, which seems to cause wealthy people in Socialist countries to flee to America.
There will be some that abuse the system.
There, it's incredibly short and simplistic, but I hope that shows that not all 'socialist supporters' are just anti-capitalist nut bags.
As for the OP, if someones telling you you're wrong, maybe look into it instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling.
Sweden is an, in American eyes, socialistic country*.
I bet we have much fewer jails and much fewer interns in them, than the US does.
We do have both public and private schools, btw.
* In my eyes, we are getting more right-wing each year. Some here are eager to copy your pre-Obama Health Care System.
Edit. Of course I mean per capita on the prison issue. The whole population in Sweden can probably be interned in US prisons at the same time.
Fun fact from Wikipedia: "The United States has 4% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population."
A quick check of the link confirms that this Shadow girl is a fangirl of Shadow the Hedgehog (as opposed to some other character called "Shadow" - it's probably a common enough name), as she lists her location as the Space Colony Ark.
On the offhand chance she reads this, I would like to state that Shadow's creation was funded by the government, making him a socialist creation if ever there was one. His creator and father figure, Professor Gerald Robotnik, would also most likely have approved of socialised medicine as well, as he understood the pain of being unable to help one's daughter recover from an illness. While Maria's illness had no known cure, a man of Gerald's intellect and caring would have been able to extrapolate from his pain to empathise with parents who couldn't afford medical care for their children, and similar problems (well, before he went completely nuts anyway). Such socialistic ideals would probably have been passed along to Shadow, at least in part. Of course, the franchise remains largely apolitical, so some extrapolation on our part is needed.
Tl;DR version: Shadow is one of the most hypocritical choices of fangirlism for a hardline capitalist to make.
oh, look! it's shadow girl from rapture ready and she seems to be spreading the insane all over the internet!
and here i was just a while ago thinking that she must be poe... but apparently she isn't.
"If they were then I would be perscuted by them and in jail right now"
Police. Immigration. Forest rangers. Officials who ensure your food & pharmaceuticals are safe. The armed forces. Local & national government. Even the person who delivers your mail.
You should hand yourself in to your local branch of your Socialised police force for arrest, for being a deluded fundy twat and denying reality.
Care to name one country that has purely private schools, and police, armed forces etc, and said country is run by (a) corporation(s)?
PROTIP: "Rollerball" and "RoboCop" are not documentaries.
"There is Public and Private schools."
And apparently you need to go back to either one or the other. It's "there ARE" not "there IS."
"If they were then I would be perscuted by them and in jail right now."
What??? I mean, just what???
"There is Public and Private schools."
No. There ARE public and private schools. Also, you don't have to upper case the first letters of those words.
"In a socialistic socity there would only be public schools but since we have the choice to go to a private school."
That's a sentence fragment.
Did you even go to school?
No one here seems to know what socialism is!
Socialism has nothing to do with taxation. It's all about who owns the means of production. You could have a country that is completely socialist and no one pays taxes.
Let me break it down: Capitalism = capitalists own the means of production (that is land, buildings, machinery etc). The working class work the land/factories/companies and earn the money. The money they earn i.e. profits belongs to the capitalists (shareholders for modern times).
The way it has to work is that the workers are not paid the true value of their work. They earned 100% of the profits but they don't get that much. You get paid a salary or wage that is a fraction of the true value of your work. It might be a lot, it might not. In a communism, the workers get 100% of the profits they have created.
A socialism was originally meant to be a transition period between the two, where the state would own the means of production so profits earned would be used by the state for the people. Lots of places prefer that option and don't want to transition to a communism.
So all those other things people associate with socialism- high taxes, public health, atheism, whatever are all just correlations. Doesn't anyone take sociology 101?
@ Natasha --
Socialism wasn't "originally" meant as a transition to communism -- that was just Marx's preferred role for socialism. Socialism as worker/communal ownership of the means of production existed before Marx built on it to develop his model of communism. (A pretty good number of non-Marxist, non-communist socialists still find Marx's analysis of capitalism interesting and useful, though, even if he slips into some of the same capital-traps that he describes.)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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