
Cetacean Nation #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger cetacean-nation.com

A new way of thinking and being is currently evolving on our planet.
We now recognize that there is another bonafide intelligent species that occupies our world besides us. They have been here for millions of years and have CONSCIOUSNESS.
A new season of higher consciousness and connected awareness is now available to anyone who would wish to recognize it. The dolphins and whales are here to assist us in this transition to a shifted understanding of our connectivity. They have had eons of time to understand and use such expanded awareness of the multidimensional realms and stand ready to encourage such development on the part of Humans who are ready for this new level of evolution.
Not only do Cetacea represent a decided shift in Human intellect by accepting another sentient race on the planet, but with this new association, may also be considered to be emotional balancing and healing agents for the troubled hearts of mankind. Add to this the understanding that dolphins and whales represent a Spiritual manifestation on the physical plane, and it moves to establish an even higher consciousness connection for all to observe and become a participant.
Open up your minds and hearts to this new sensation and way of being. Feel the joy and peace of a Fifth Dimensional Awareness — Pod Mind Mentality. It awaits your acceptance and realization. We are no longer alone in this Universe. We are awakening to who we really are: Lightbeings connected to the Source of All That Is. The Cetacea have anticipated this moment for three thousand years, inviting us to rejoin them in this joyful recognition and new understanding of this liberated state of being.