
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy gizadeathstar.com

Before we go further, let's stop right there and note a few things. The basic patents for HAARP were taken out by Bernard Eastland in the 1980s, and many think that it was a component of President Reagan's Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI), or as it was more popularly known, "Star Wars". When those patents are actually read, two things are mentioned as possible applications for such a large ionospheric heater: missile defense, and weather modification. There's no if's, and's, or but's about it. (One can read these patents in Dr. Nick Begich's and Jean Manning's book, Angels Don't Play this HAARP).

With that in mind, now consider this:

HAARP has fallen out of the news cycle in recent years for inactivity, but there's reason to believe that it's being fired back up for "scientific research."
So there you have it: the FAA has placed a restriction on the airspace around Gakona, Alaska, the actual home of HAARP, indicating that there will be unusual electromagnetic radiation in the area. (While we're at it, let's recall those bird deaths I mentioned earlier this week: might this have something to do with them? Given the strange behaviour of birds attacking 5G towers, I wouldn't rule it out, but time will tell.)
So how might this tie in to HAARP?

Very easily: HAARP is an ionospheric heater. That is to say, its phased antennae arrays are designed so load energy into the ionosphere, and can do so quite literally with pinpoint accuracy. Loading massive amounts of energy in such a fashion can raise the ionosphere, creating regions of low pressure, which in turn can lower it elsewhere, creating regions of high pressure, with corresponding shifts in the jet stream, all of which is visible on Accuweather's map. (Think of the Chinese flooding of last year and this year in connection with this.)