
Ben Garrison #fundie grrrgraphics.wordpress.com

This is a sample cartoon that will appear in our GrrrGraphics book that we hope to release early next year. There has been a bit of a delay for legal reasons.

This cartoon speaks for itself. As government entities become more corrupt, they will attempt to take away more of our money and liberties. The IRS attacks the establishment’s political enemies and when caught they destroy evidence. Nothing is done about it. Corrupt revenue generators, er, police, ignore the 4th Amendment and confiscate any cash found on citizens. People are tased or beaten if they object. Little if anything is done about it. The NSA records everything we do and nothing is done to stop them. The TSA gropes grandmas and little kids and nothing is done about it. Obama thinks he can enforce the UN gun ban treaty by presidential decree–the Senate be damned. And yet he’s not impeached.

Once they get our guns, their domination will be complete. They must not get the guns.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy grrrgraphics.wordpress.com


Here is a cartoon inspired by statist thinking:
Tea Party Caveman Cartoon

It shows a stinky caveman with a club telling the viewer that he is self-sufficient. ” ‘Zog’ not need government, taxes, healthcare, socialized services, public schools, police and libraries. Zog hunt, gather and barter. Zog not need civilization!”

The cartoon is titled “Tea Party in Historical Context.’ I guess we are to have contempt for the ignorant cave man representing those who want freedom from big government. Apparently ‘Zog’ lacks the proper egalitarian instincts and love for his community the cartoonist thinks he should have. Without government, how would Zog evolve and pay his taxes, which go for important stuff we all need–such as the things he lists. This is why we especially need the income tax. But wait a minute–a lot of that income tax money goes toward paying interest on our un-payable $14 trillion debt. That means the income tax they extort from us by threat of a gun and imprisonment (how civilized!) goes directly into the pockets of elite bankers who are able to remain discreetly private. It is taxation without civilization. Oh, but they get away with it because they print and control the money. They own the money. Congress can stop them, but they own Congress. They own us.

Schools, libraries and police funding comes from property taxes. Roads come from gas taxes. Sales taxes, fees and fines pay for state and city projects. The military (they can’t account for trillions of dollars that goes missing nearly every year) gets paid by corporate and income taxes. Health care currently comes from overpriced insurance premiums or bankrupt Medicaid. Social services? All that money we send in and they get only 30 percent.

The cartoonist implies we can’t do away with the Federal Reserve. Without our masters we’d have to barter! That’d be scary–almost like anarchy! (Anarchy is what statists call it. I call it ‘freedom). Statists think we can’t go back to gold and silver that held its value over long periods of time. A return to dark, archaic ‘olden’ times with less government is abhorrent to them. Come to think of it, barter would be preferable to the Federal Reserve slave system and their thug IRS agents. They hold a much bigger club than Mr. Caveman. Don’t pay your taxes and they take your stuff. If you resist, deadly force can be used.

The Federal Reserve is owned by private bankers for their own profit and their system of money has robbed us and robbed our children’s future. Do we enjoy paying taxes that help kill innocent people in foreign countries in order to maintain the banker-rupt empire? That hardly seems ‘civilized.’

But my point is this: His cartoon suggests that ‘government’ IS ‘civilization.’ In which case, Pol Pot’s society was very civilized. So was Hitler’s—etc.

Following this logic, apparently in order to get more civilized we need bigger and more government. The bigger the better. Maybe even WORLD government which will make sure the entire Earth becomes uber-civilized. Unfortunately that’s what we are getting, but somehow getting zapped or groped at an airport isn’t making people feel more civilized. What’s actually happening is we’re becoming more domesticated. We are owned and they’re conditioning us to that fact. Our elite owners are now telling us how to live, what to think, what light bulbs we can use, how much heat we can have, what to eat, what we can say and what health care we need. And when we’re old, death panels will tell us we have outlived our usefulness and will tell us when we must die. Big government will be there at the cradle—assigning them up to the grid. Big government will decide what shall be taught. Big government will decide what jobs we shall have. Big government will watch, record and monitor us to make sure we’re not speaking out against their system. That would make us terrorists! And most of all, big government will keep its property–its people/cattle– ‘safe.’ We The tax cattle People will pay for our own enslavement, of course.

Toward the end, when we’re all so poor we can barely exist—then perhaps we’ll look like our ancient ancestor in the cartoon. But at the very least we’ll all be extremely ‘civilized’ thanks to big government.

With all this in mind, I decided to draw this cartoon as a retort. I was also inspired by an episode of Star Trek, in which naive, simple people depended on a scary tiki-like god named ‘VOL’ to solve all their problems and keep them safe. “VOL makes the grass grow—he put fruit on the trees!” And so on. The controller god in my cartoon is called “GUV.”

A final reason I drew this was due to a recent conversation I had with a friend who thought that not to support the government was somehow ‘unpatriotic.’ Wrong! True patriots believe in the Constitution and condemn the government when it abuses the people. It’s our duty to do so. People have become afraid to question the government as it tries to condition citizens into believing that less government leads to ‘anarchy.’ I guess anarchy is another word for ‘freedom.’