
Jean Sheehan #crackpot #ufo #magick millenniumeducation.com

The Crystal Child is a natural healer that has a strong association with Atlantis and partially with Lemuria due to the crystal connection. Their love crystals and true understanding of their capabilities is extra-ordinary! Within their cellular memory they retain the memories of Atlantis and how to heal with crystals and awaken people using ‘hands on healing’. In Atlantis the children were apprentices to their Mothers, whom were High Priestesses. At this time they were born in to a particular family knowing they were to learn a particular ‘craft’ and that it was their destiny …. a bit like the Dalai Lama. Their knowledge then and now on healing is so advanced including griding and patterning of the body. In our world it would be considered quantum physics and mathematics. However then, these beautiful beings did not have the need to analyse details – they knew what to do and therefore did it.

The Lemuria connection means they are able to call upon the ancient knowledge relating to healing techniques. That is because they understand no duality and that everything is available to them. Consequently these children know the ancient techniques of toning, griding and again crystal manifestation.

The main physical disease they will repetitively have is of the nervous system, brain dysfunction and digestive problems. This can also affect their auditory canal, hearing, ear bones and the throat area creating many sore throats and ear aches. The reason for this is that they work on a high frequency such as dolphins and dogs, and the Earth realm is of such a dense vibration.

As for imaginary friends – NOT at all! They are able to communicate with many realms of life. These include the Divas (Earth, Crystal, and more), Fairies, Pixies, Goblins, Trolls and Angels. When looking at some of these children, they look and act just like Tinkerbelle. They will relate to Angels and some can look like them with their long blonde hair, gentle nature and quiet demeanour.

Jean Sheehan #crackpot #ufo #magick millenniumeducation.com

The times of Atlantis myth & legend and Atlantean technology was a time called RETURNING OF THE GODS. Eons ago, BROTHERS from outer space from the spiritual guidance of the MASTERS OF WISDOM, Creators of the Universe, came to Earth. They chose Atlantis to be their home and create Mystery Schools of Atlantis. The Atlantic task and Atlantean way was to prepare EARTH for higher forms of a BIOLOGICAL LIFE and reincarnate souls from an ATOMIC explosion. This explosion shattered planets such as MALONA and LUCIFER which are located between Jupiter and Mars. These Higher Beings knew the code to CREATION.

These Atlantean beings would incarnate at specific galactic times of Earth, in patterns of the next evolutionary process. These include Egypt, Medieval, Mayan, Atlantis and Lemuria. They specifically were here to raise the consciousness of the planet. They chose these times to learn all realms and experiences until they reached COMPLETION and Absolute Empowerment.
The Galactic Federation, the Melchezadick order and the Brothers of Light descended to Atlantis to introduce a new type of being and genesis of earth. As these beings came in, the humans on Earth saw them as GODS.

In the lost city, using Atlantean crystals, work commenced very quickly in the genetic modifying of souls and bodies to create this new Being. The reincarnations of animal-like humans, such as the cave man, were genetically modified. The creation of this human being developed quickly. This work commenced in Atlantis and then continued with Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and the early Churches of autopsies, and even today of the 21st Century with seedless watermelon and Dolly the Sheep.

Jean Sheehan #ufo #magick #crackpot millenniumeducation.com

Light language is information that contains the codes of creation. The language of light is a sacred geometry produced by vibration. Light Language is a powerful sacred gift that gives purposeful expression of love from Creator.

Light language allows us to pick up information from realms beyond what is commonly accessed. Therefore, it is a beneficial ascension tool that allows us to interact with our guidance team, nature, animals, and one another on a deep soul level.
We are multidimensional beings with many levels/layers of soul awareness; however, the body has been functioning with only a small amount of the soul in operation in this 3rd dimension. This transformation requires a rewiring and reprogramming of the DNA that will result in a molecular reconstruction of the body. Light language is a vibrational tool to help us do this. Light language works on quantum levels of the soul.
These unknown tongues are languages we may have spoken in ancient times or past lives – perhaps on Earth, or other in dimensions. Many are galactic tongues used to communicate with our star family, spirit guides, and multidimensional soul aspects. Some are the languages of nature spirits. Light language speaks to the molecular, cellular, and energetic levels to heal the body, mind, and emotions.

The language of light can be spoken, sung, danced, written, gestured (intuitive sign language) or expressed through other artistic manners. The gestures of light language look like an intuitive sign language. They are positions that hold frequencies of light that are able to shift or realign energetic imprints that have been causing mental or emotional suffering.