First you say that people have the right to do whatever they want. Then we want to exercise that right by expressing our opinion that being able to do absolutely everything you want as long as it ‘doesn’t effect other people’ is destructive. Then you say that such opinions cannot be tolerated and are dangerous. In the end, the only non-hypocritical sociological solution that follows the doctrine of moral relativism is complete anarchy, but obviously none of you would want such a situation because you wouldn’t survive. So you make your own moral code that doesn’t really support freedom, but only temporal pleasure. Therefore, you’re all either materialists or are atheist militants with a strong double standard.
I guess the major problem I have with homosexuality, besides religion, is that it is akin to maijuana as a gateway drug. I’m a kinist and while I support equal rights for all races, I also don’t think every race should interbreed until we’re all mocha-coloured negrasianolaticaucasoids. I think all of the races should maintain purity of lineage. I think allowing such a thing led to homosexuality, and homosexuality will lead to pedophilia and that will lead to polygamy and bestiality. And they’l come up with some convoluted studies to try to prove ‘Yes, there IS a pedo gene’, or ‘Yes it’s natural to want to have a threesome with a cow and a bat’. And where will that lead us? I leave it to you to contemplate. And before you say ‘Oh, that’ll NEVER happen!’... what were people 100 years thinking about homosexuality? If people want it bad enough, they will do whatever it takes to prove it’s normal.
That’s not my point at all. All I’m trying to say is that segregation was for the good of ALL americans, black and white. And, in a way, slavery was good for the blacks, at least for a short time. It’s not as if the Africans were a peaceful, civil people. No, they were savage, unknowing barbarians. They practiced polygamy. They were extremely male dominant, to the point of abuse. We CIVILIZED them. And, even if the europeans got some cheap labor, it was the blacks that benefited the most.