
Joe M #wingnut #dunning-kruger parler.com

Trolls have said I am insane and deluded to think Trump will be determined the winner of the 2020 election. Since I am going to be proven right in a matter of weeks, let me take the opportunity to say also that Obama, and Hillary Clinton too, will be convicted of capital crimes and crimes against humanity at some point during Trump's second term. If I'm right about the first thing, trolls will have a hard time saying I'll be wrong about the rest.

DeAnna Lorraine #pratt #conspiracy #wingnut parler.com

I send my Dad a bunch of facts, articles and videos of REAL easy to follow facts from actual doctors, scientists and physicians from around the world breaking down why the PCR covid tests are faulty, why the “new case numbers” are inflated and faulty, why the death numbers are false, why masks and social distancing is a farce, hey Covid is just the rebranded flu and on and on. I sent him facts about the MSM and how they are simply propaganda machines lying to us every day.

What does my dad do in response? Proceed to hysterically text me articles from The NY Times and MSNBC of “all the new cases” and “new covid spikes,” and why you shouldn’t be around anyone for Thanksgiving/Christmas, and especially stay away from people who have been to any rallies or flown on a plane recently.

I just can’t anymore W/ my family. I give up.
The worst part about it is my parents are not Liberals. They are intelligent Republicans, Trump supporters who watch FOX news (but still think it’s the truth). So sad.