
John O'Sullivan #quack #wingnut #conspiracy principia-scientific.com

Not only does Covid-19 NOT EXIST, but neither do viruses! Our parasitic controllers just decided at some point that they were going to start calling “exonomes” “viruses”, and then assign this made-up biological contraption with all sorts of omnious and menacing health implications. “Germ Theory” is nothing more than thoroughly disproven quackery(the practice of silly, useless and unscientific medical treatments) and it’s not even that well-hidden of a dirty secret within the world of modern medicine that our entire understanding of most sicknesses in general are based on the work of a fraud who literally made his theory up. So the question then becomes: WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK?
But this recognition was of no consequence because allopathy needed the theory of monomorphism to maintain its theoretical castle. Opening the door to pleomorphism would have been a great cost and perhaps a major schism.

Lamenting the above in my article last year that greedy Big Pharma is making huge profits from peddling ineffective and unnecessary vaccines.
But this recognition was of no consequence because allopathy needed the theory of monomorphism to maintain its theoretical castle. Opening the door to pleomorphism would have been a great cost and perhaps a major schism.

Lamenting the above in my article last year that greedy Big Pharma is making huge profits from peddling ineffective and unnecessary vaccines.