
Nancy Campbell #fundie quiverfull.com

Can you imagine attending a wedding where the family of the bride prayed for her to have vast legions of children who would grow up to have dominion in the land for the glory of God? This was precisely the blessing offered by the sisters of Rebekah upon her marriage to Isaac. These sentiments beautifully harmonize with Scripture passage after Scripture passage which extol the virtue of trusting the Lord to control the womb and the necessity that believers be fruitful and multiply. For six-thousand years, believers viewed children as a blessing and reward of the Lord greatly to be desired. It was widely accepted that those who cut off their seed usually did so in violation of the express commands of God. Only in the last seventy-five years have child prevention and birth control become acceptable in the Church. Perhaps more than any other philosophical shift in the history of the Church, the modern anti-child philosophy has changed the way we view the role of fathers and mothers as well as the meaning of family life and multi-generational faithfulness. But genuine questions persist: Does the Bible address the question of child prevention? Is cutting off the godly seed ever an act of good stewardship? Are economic considerations a valid biblical ground for closing the womb? What about natural family planning? What about families that cannot have children? Is the widespread use by Christians of the pill, a child prevention device with abortifiacient potential, bringing judgment on the Church? Be Fruitful and Multiply answers these questions and makes the case that Christians should do more than just trust God for children, we should cry out to the Lord to bless the fruit of the womb.

Stacy McDonald #fundie quiverfull.com

For me to say,"Lord I love you, Lord I trust you with everything, Lord take my life, take all of me," but then not trust Him with my womb, then I was a liar if I said that I trusted the Lord. The excuses that I gave for not wanting more children were all selfish and unBiblical:

1. " I can't handle the ones I have...I'm so tired! " - I truly needed to cast my cares upon the Lord. I was so wrapped up in "poor me" that many times it caused me to take my eyes off of Him.

2. "We can't afford more children...."- God supplies for our needs. If I am truly trusting him and acknowledging that all we have comes from Him, then I should be confident that He will supply what is needed for each additional child that He places into our hands.

3. " I'm getting too old! "- I found out many of the stories of dangers in child birth for moms in their 30s and 40s are just myths. But again, God knows how old I am and He is in control of my body. If he places a child in this old body whether it be 34 or 94, He knows what He's doing....do I trust Him?

4. "What about my other kids? They won't get enough attention from me...it just won't be fair to them" - Do you know that the more children we have, the less selfish the kids become? It's amazing how God has done such miracles in the family as it has grown! We're closer now than EVER. Also, it keeps me from spoiling the younger ones (my tendency) the older ones keep me in check on that one...you can BET on that! When you have a larger family, there's just no time for selfishness, excessive privacy, or petty fighting! It would get way too loud! They still try it now and then, but our family size forces us to keep things under control. I have also become extremely organized out of shear necessity. Just another "extra credit" for having a large group in the house.

Rachel Scott #fundie quiverfull.com

We are living in the last days. An annointed generation must come to earth to help prepare the way of the Lord. Many in this generation will be children. Will these chosen children be allowed to come? Satan is trying hard to prevent their conceptions and births. [The book] Birthing God’s Mighty Warriors exposes how Satan has used the secular idea of choice and modern medical advances to convince God’s people to limit their family size through birth control and sterilization. Sadly, thousands of couples are suffering emotionally, physically, and spiritually because they have chosen their own path. This book exposes how the enemy is using human reasoning, deception in the media, ideas in pop culture, and lack of knowledge of God’s Word to keep God’s people bound to a worldly mindset. Birthing God’s Mighty Warriors offers hope for restoration through God’s forgiveness. By revealing truth, it challenges young couples to learn from the mistakes of the past so they can be open to bring forth this anointed generation of children.

Stacy McDonald #fundie quiverfull.com

Whether we use a medical form of birth control, or Early Withdrawal, or use a calendar to try to avoid conception....it's all the same. It says to God, "I want to be in control of this because I don't trust You to make a wise decision in this area.....so here's a little help!"

Nikki Keith #fundie quiverfull.com

Happily, I was a very easy convert [to Quiverfull]. I loved being a mom and having babies.. But I knew that Brendon did not share my views. He worked 60+ hours a week just so I could stay home with our children. He was concerned with house and car payments. But as time went on, I could be silent no longer. I was very hesitant to share my thoughts with him. So I prayed. I prayed that the Lord would prepare his heart for what I had to say. I also prayed that the Lord would give me contentment if Brendon said no more babies. A few days later I felt the Lord give me the okay. I was on my way out of town to a conference for two days. I decided to write him a letter and let him think about it while I was away. I did not want to influence him directly. I truly wanted his conviction to come from God. I gave him this letter as I was backing out of the driveway.

[Long letter]

The Lord is so good. The day I got back from my trip, we never used birth control again.

We Christians are believing lies from the very pit of hell. If we were to list all the reasons why Christians use birth control, we would see that they are the same reasons why a woman aborts her child. The primary reason children are murdered is because they are an inconvenience. Babies interfere with our pursuit of happiness, or Lexus's, swimming pools, careers, 3,000 square foot houses....you get the idea. One of the main reasons why we as the Church have failed to act against abortion is because we have the same anti-child mentality as those who advocate it.

How are we ever going to impact this lost and dying world, if we conform to its standards? Jesus calls us to be peculiar, to be different. How far are we willing to go? We are to crucify ourselves, put to death our own selfish wants and desires.

Randy Alcorn #fundie quiverfull.com

The Pill is used by about fourteen million American women each year and sixty million women internationally. Thus, even an infinitesimally low portion (say one-hundredth of one percent) of 780 million Pill cycles per year globally could represent tens of thousands of unborn children lost to this form of chemical abortion annually. How many young lives have to be jeopardized for prolife believers to question the ethics of using the Pill?