
Zeth #fundie romancatholicblog.typepad.com

Protestants have done many bad things through the history, while the catholic church has almost never done anything wrong. We should be proud of the heroic crusaders who should role models for us, and for the holy inquisition who saved many from hell by silencing false converts.

[Don't you have enough problems in the "great white North" to keep you occupied?] We have, and the only solution is a coup like General Franco's. The "archbishop" of the Lutheran state "church" are going to speak on Stockholm gay pride, he deserve a nail in his neck!

Zeth #fundie romancatholicblog.typepad.com

There is a great difference between catholic crusader heroes and infidel mass-murderers. Catholic crusaders such as Franco, Pinochet or Mugabe kill for a noble cause while infidel thugs like Lenin, Stalin or Mao Zedong kill for their own sake. Do not compare paladins with necromancers!

Zeth (suecianus) #fundie romancatholicblog.typepad.com

There is no injustice in what President Mugabe is doing. He is enforcing godly leadership on his people, just like King David did in Israel. Authoritarianism is of God.

I do not care for the opinions of heretics and false prophets. Your arguments make me laugh.

"Being anti-American is not justification for anything." It is because everything America stands for is more or less evil. Capitalism? Based on the greed of evil men = Evil. Democracy? The church has always opposed it = Evil. Tolerance: let me quote the bible here: 2 Chronicles 15:13, Douay-Rheims: "And if any one, said he, seek not the Lord the God of Israel, let him die, whether little or great, man or woman." Tolerance is evil. Liberalism, here I shall quote saint Pius X: "Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep's clothing, and the true priest is bound to unmask them"

I do not know if you belong to these wolves in sheep's clothing, heretic, but if you do it is the Church's duty to silence your evil tongue.

Anyway, liberalism is evil. Basically the entire US is evil and must be fought. And that's exactly what Mugabe is doing, waging a glorious crusade on capitalist western interests. God bless him!

Zeth (suecianus) #fundie romancatholicblog.typepad.com

In what world are you living? The church has always supported righteous dictators such as Saint Emperor Constantine, Charlemagne, King Filipe II, General Franco and others. Democracy is ungodly and deserve to be fought, it has destroyed everything we once loved and made the population ungodly and sinful.

Mugabe is a great man and servant of God who tries to defend himself in face of US. imperialism. Who cares for the church's "reputation" it's just the opinions of atheists, heretics and other false prophets!