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There are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about the moon.

A few years ago David Icke brought the book 'Who Built The Moon?' by Chris Knight and Alan Butler to attention, and concluded that the moon is an unnatural object that has been placed there for some reason - possibly as a broadcasting station.

Icke further linked the moon to Saturn, and theorized that the "Matrix" in which we live is actually a program originally broadcast by Saturn and amplified by the moon.

Going back to the book Who Built The Moon by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler They give a description about the book and it is this

'Despite the fact that the Moon is almost certainly 4.6 billion years old, we will demonstrate

beyond all reasonable doubt that Earth’s Moon cannot be a natural object. And then we shall

explain in detail how the agency that manufactured the Moon left a series of detailed messages of

what had been done and for whom it had been undertaken'

So it is worth reading if you want a more detailed version of what the Moon is.

A man going by the name of Crrow777 has filmed some astonishing footage of the moon in the video below.

He caught something which he dubbed the "lunar wave" going across the surface of the moon, from bottom to top as it appeared on his camera.

This lunar wave has the appearance of a line that moves across a computer screen during a reset. It looks digital, electronic or holographic. Yet, how could that possibly be true if the moon were just a natural satellite of Earth, made from rock?

Of course, many skeptics and naysayers have criticized his findings and claimed the lunar wave must be a result of his recording equipment, and not local to the moon itself.

However, as Crrow shows in the video, by adjusting various layers, colors and lighting, you can see that the wave actually occurred on or above the moon's surface, and has nothing to do with his camera.

The implications are staggering.

I conclude from this that the lunar wave is showing us at least 2 possibilities (and maybe more):

1.The moon's true surface is being cloaked by some kind of advanced holographic technology, to hide things below, probably bases, structures and evidence of extraterrestrial life on the lunar surface; or

2.The moon itself is holographic. It has no solid physical existence, but is rather a projection of light, a hologram made to look 3-dimensional.