
Ben Bartee #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut thedailybell.com

What discovery tomorrow will
similarly undermine basic tenants of 2023 scientific knowledge?

This is the problem with orthodoxy of any kind. It's a major flaw in conservative thinking in general.

By "conservative," I don't mean the right-wing political ideology but the unwillingness to embrace new ideas in favor of old ones for no other reason than they are already established.

Whereas the high priest class once dominated the social hierarchy, sciencism is the trendy new religion of the intellectual elite - equally dogmatic in its epistemological approach to studying the natural world.

God died (metaphorically) unceremoniously about 200 years ago...

But because there's good evidence humans actually require someone or something to revere and to center culture around as a source of meaning, the bearded, robed God of the Bible was replaced with technocratic Scienceā„¢, and scientists, as the object of worship in industrialized society.
No one has ever even objectively observed dark matter; we're still as a collective species totally in the dark, metaphorically, on what dark matter actually is or how it works or how it interacts with light matter.

It's a total proverbial black box...

Given that 95% of the universe is locked in a black hole, untouched by human consciousness, you would expect some humility from the so-called "experts."

For all the impressive achievements over the past several hundred years, they understand literally nothing about 95% of the matter in the universe.

Their knowledge, in the best-case scenario, represents an infinitesimally small fraction of all the knowable knowledge out there in the ether.

Instead of humility, we're treated to the weasel war criminal Anthony Fauci, seated on the throne at the apex of the institutional hierarchy, declaring himself The Scienceā„¢ with a straight face on national television, to a cacophony of uncritical applause by the neoliberal ruling class.
