Janet Porter, World Net Daily #fundie worldnetdaily.com
[On the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act which does not, in any way, protect pedophiles.]
Last opportunity for 'hate crimes' letter campaign
Hundreds of thousands delivered in opposition to 'Pedophile Protection Act'
Hundreds of thousands of letters have been delivered to members of the U.S. Senate in opposition to what critics have dubbed the "Pedophile Protection Act," but with reports that a vote on the issue is imminent, the hours of opportunity to protest the plan are dwindling quickly.
The campaign to defeat the proposal, also known as the "hate crimes" bill, already has generated some 625,000 individual letters sent by Fed Ex to all 100 U.S. senators. The effort, organized by WND columnist Janet Porter, who also heads the Faith2Action Christian ministry, permits activists to send individually addressed letters to all 100 senators over their own "signature" for only $10.95.
Here is what the body of the letter says:
"I am writing to urge you to do all in your power to oppose passage of S.909, also known as 'The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.'
"Passage of this bill by the U.S. Senate would be reckless and irresponsible not only because of the 'chilling effect' it would have on First Amendment-guaranteed rights to free speech, but also because it would provide, for the first time ever, special legal protections for pedophiles and other sexual offenders.
"This bill would more appropriately be called 'The Pedophile Protection Act.'
"The evidence for this extraordinary statement comes directly from debate in the House, when a simple amendment to exempt pedophiles from the protections offered by the bill were rejected.
"I write to warn you that those who support it, or allow it to become the law of the land without a fight, will be held accountable at election time.
"If there was ever a time for the Senate to stand and fight with a filibuster, that time is now. We are calling for members of the Senate, Republicans and Democrats alike, to stop S. 909.
"Stop 'The Pedophile Protection Act' dead in its tracks – now.
"Please respond to me in writing as to whether you intend to oppose this dangerous bill – including by filibuster if necessary."