Corey J. Mahler #racist #crackpot
The Third Reich was Christianity translated into politics.
The Third Reich was Christianity translated into politics.
Anxiety is sin to be repented of,
Not a disease to be medicated.
We are all prone to different sins.
Some of us struggle with pride, anger, or wrath, other struggle with lust or gluttony.
Anxiety is no different.
Modern Christians must not get sucked into the trap of medicalizing our sin.
Meds may address some behavioral issues (bad fruit) but they cannot address the bad root.
Only repentance and faith can do that.
We serve a God who is incredibly gracious and immeasurably, merciful to us.
He is inviting each of us to cast our worries upon him.
He would not command us not to worry if it were impossible to actually obey.