“No one is entitled to respect.”
So, i can say, fuck off?
THere are two KINDS of respect.
One is not earned. Respecting someone as an individual, being owed basic civil rights because they exist.
One is as an authority. I don’t like the cop, but i respect him for his ability to make my life take a nasty turn.
Basically, the two are ‘welcome’ and ‘fear.’
“It doesn’t matter what your race, sex, or gender is. Respect is not given, it’s earned.”
A number of men have an issue with this. They DEMAND respect as an authority. THEY get to decide how things work, but they do not OFFER respect for other people being members of our society. And get mad when people don’t respect their authority because they’re stingy with basic respect.
"Plus, it’s not inaccurate to refer to people by who they really are.”
And here you demand that you get to decide who another person really is. YOUR opinion outranks theirs. YOUR anti-science bullshit is more important than the last 100 years in transgender research. Because Penis.
"No amount of delusional thinking or surgery is gonna change the fact that Jerry was born a man, and will die a man. End of story.”
You don’t get to decide that for everyone else, cockwomble. More to the point, i don’t RESPECT your assumption that you’re the authority on the persistence of penis.
“On top of all this, I and many others in this comment section DO NOT want to respect a predator.”
Okay. Welcome to America, do try to keep up.
“And it’s pretty hypocritical to call out Jerry’s horrible behaviour, before turning around and defending his bullcrap right to have pronouns.”
No matter what they’re accused of or convicted of, the Constitution still provides that they have basic rights. Right to an attourney, free speech, crazy ‘bullcrap’ stuff like that. And many would extend to them the same rights we demand for ourselves.
"If you think defending Jerry’s pronouns is more important than calling out Jerry, you’re either being willfully ignorant or your priorities are out of wack.”
Except the pronoun issue is not limited to one individual, and it’s not something that depends on their being a stellar member of society.
A committee in Wyoming voted that pronouns could not be compelled. After that vote, the next woman to speak started referring to the Chairman as Madame Chairman. When he tried to correct her, she pointed out that he just voted that they could not make her call him a man.