Candace Owens #sexist #conspiracy

On This Past Weekend, a podcast hosted by stand-up comic Theo Von, conspiracy theorist Candace Owens defended convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein. Owens claimed that the disgraced former movie mogul was “wrongfully convicted” and complained that he “took the fall for the Me Too movement”[…]
Owens[…]said she’s planning a new video series to defend Weinstein

Owens boasted of her steadfast opposition to the Me Too movement, which saw people speak up about sexual harassment and sexual assault, often by powerful figures in media like Harvey Weinstein. She said this was the impetus for her to revisit Weinstein’s case

“I believe it is the case,” Owens told Von

When asked if she believed Weinstein was “innocent,” Owens said she believed he was “wrongfully convicted,” and that “there is a difference between being immoral and being a person who abuses their power” and “being a cold blooded rapist”

Owens signaled her intent to go through text messages and emails of Weinstein’s accusers in order to undermine their credibility, telling Von she was “shocked” by “what these women were saying after their rapes.” She added that she would not speak to someone who raped her in that way

Owens also complained that Weinstein “took the fall for the Me Too movement,” and defended another accused rapist: former Today host Matt Lauer

“But I just believe in justice,” she said. “If I hate you, I will still defend you if I think you’re wrongfully convicted. I hated Matt Lauer, and I was like, come on, guys. Calling him a rapist because he had an affair with his intern? I mean, women are just all always so hopeless”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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