David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesus-is-savior.com
Why do homosexuals men like to dress up like women? It's for the same reason that lesbian women like to behave like men, and to dominate like men. It's because homosexuality is perverted! It's because God intended for a man and a woman to have sex; not men with men nor women with women. In lesbian relationships, one woman becomes the dyke (masculine role). This is solid evidence that homosexuality is perverted, against natural, abnormal and just plain wrong. Even in the shameful and sinful act of homosexuality, they're still trying to act like male and female.
You can't show me one lesbian couple who doesn't harbor resentment in their hearts against Bible-believing Christians who publicly teach that homosexuality is a sin. Have you ever heard a homosexual expose false religion? No. Have you ever heard a homosexual expose Hollywood's filth and wickedness? No. It's because they're all on the Devil's side! Birds-of-a-feather-flock-together. Their all pulling on the same rope as the Devil.