Various incels #sexist

[TeeHee] How to get a girlfriend (from an actual girl)

Feel sorry for all the youngcels at r/teenagers. All the girls over there already have boyfriends. The boys are busy cracking jokes and coping :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:


this is just bluepilled roastie virtue signalling for desperate cucks
the real guide on getting a girlfriend is to be a chad

Teehee, Respect me while I ride the cock carousel and maybe one day if you're good looking enough you'll have a ride as my 455th customer!

How to actually get a gf:

- Have a good mandable growth, astethic zygos, and good maxila growth.
- Have neutral or positive canthal tilt.
- Prominent brow ridge
- Have hooded eyes
- have coloured eyes
- Have NW0 Hair
- be tall
- be white (NOT absolute. Whitecels still exist)

Basically, Just Be Chad theory

Those younger guys on there that are ugly, are currently oblivious to their status to women. They still believe if they just stay persistent and dress nice, etc -- they'll have a chance, hell maybe an advantage. The truth will eventually hit them.


Those younger guys on there that are ugly, are currently oblivious to their status to women. They still believe if they just stay persistent and dress nice, etc -- they'll have a chance, hell maybe an advantage. The truth will eventually hit them.

Blackpill is gonna hit them hard one day. lot of them will join here one day. Brutal for the future generation of men.

"Find a girl that has same humor with you". = Be Chad and bully some incels at highschool and laugh at them together with her.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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