various commenters #transphobia

Valencia killed 69-year-old transexual sex worker Kimberley McRae in Coogee | Daily Mail Online

( FemmeEtal )
That’s a whole lot of “she’s” for a story about 2 disgusting men.

( Hera )
Cases like this are always tough to me because, on one hand, holy shit my dude was raped by deception by a 70 year-old man in drag. He has every right to be pissed af and I can not blame him for responding with violence.

But on the other hand, it's obvious he (Valencia) is a predator too, since he thought he was buying sex from a young woman. It makes me wonder how many women he has abused in the past, especially women stuck in the sex trade. No matter what, he belongs in prison. Keep him miles away from women.

( proudcatlady )
It’s not tough. Man A deserved the “rape” which of course was not rape, he was seeking to rape someone and didn’t get the custom experience he thought he was entitled to. Oh, well.

The second man is a disgusting fetishist but he didn’t deserve to die for not being the rape victim the rapist intended.

( Greensocksladders )
'Rape by deception'. Usually this refers to someone concealing their biological sex, and for the most part it's going to be men who are 'duped' by other men. Probably the men being 'duped' are assuming that their sexual partner is female, rather than the sexual partner saying it outright.


( RisingUp )

'It is the accused's case that he did not know the deceased was 69 years of age or was transgender,' Ms Wasley said.

The claim is that he realised after “sex acts?”

This sounds so unlikely.

( Eava )
Well, there are many sex acts that can be performed on men without ever revealing the performer's genitals.

( RisingUp )
Yes, I presumed that’s what it means, but a 69 year old AGP passing as a woman in her forties?



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