various commenters #wingnut

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
Trump has tens of millions of people who follow him. What has he done?

- Raise money to defend J6 political prisoners?
- Use his clout to elect closed borders candidates?
- Use his power to create an organization to fight anti-White hatred?

All he’s done is hold rallies, sell his endorsements to shit candidates, and collect money that never helps anyone but himself.

When you think about all he COULD do, vs what he has done it’s clear there’s no future with him.

( @DMitton )
@Stanleymitchell90 POTUS Trump, made the US oil independent... And the largest supplier in the world... Held China accountable... Took on the Cartel big pharma... Secured our borders... And put the American people FIRST... Just to name a few...

( @jcmarkham )
@DMitton @Stanleymitchell90 and that’s why the democrats hate him! Trump is a winner!

( @xvart )
@Stanleymitchell90 wonder if he plans to bring his jew son back in to fuck it all up again

( @RebelScience )
@Stanleymitchell90 Trump will go down as one of the biggest traitors in US history. With his popularity, he could defeat the jews in the US in less than a week if he wanted to.

( @844steamtrain )
@Stanleymitchell90 He needed to go scorched earth, be cunning and wield power effectively. He failed. He left our people to rot in prison. If he's not going scorched earth immediately, I'm not interested.

( @VettesRbad )
@Stanleymitchell90 and the POS won't come out against the genocidal "vaccine's".

( @12XU )
@Stanleymitchell90 if the Red Hats didn't figure out that Trump was just another Zionist puppet when he said that Israel "rightfully" owned US Congress they're never going to.

Donald Trump, the hope of America! 🤡

( @StudiousKen )
@Stanleymitchell90 Trump is far from perfect. However, to argue he has done nothing good is foolish. He's easily the most pro-American citizen president of our lifetime.



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