littlemanhikicel #sexist

Hypocrisy Young girls upload hypersexual videos to tik tok without coercion and it's always the fault of a third party ...

How ‘supercharged catnip’ TikTok is fuelling the sexualisation of young girls and exploitation of teens

Look how are the same foids doing that by their free will: "There is concern owing to countless videos of underage girls detailing sexual experiences being uploaded to TikTok, as well as explicitly talking about sexual desires for their teachers."

"It’s become a magnet for paedophiles" lol serious? It's obvious that pedos will show up their asses with that type of content CREATED WITHOUT COERCION, BY THE FREE WILL OF THOSE YOUNG FOIDS...

This one is funny and hypocrite: "We've seen kids being groomed on TikTok , while other creeps take advantage of young girls posting sexualised content of themselves on the platform." Lol again, what normies expect? it's obvious that pedos would do that type of things. The easy solution is block that "app"(subversive degenerate comunist china inteligence tactic to undermine the west and rest of the world) BUT NO!!! WE HAVE TO GO AFTER THE CREEPS that want free shit or real shit proposed FIRST by those "angels" (young whores)

JFL as never is the fault of the foids. Never in the article is propposed to say to the parents: Don't allow your kids to use that app . Instead of that they propose to change settings in the app to avoid those situations.



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