shewolfoffrance , Persimmon64 & MissBehaved #transphobia

Me watching TRAs and 'GC ally' TIMs argue on social media

( shewolfoffrance )
Omg. I'm sick of "good" TiMs. They are 100% in it for themselves. Maybe they're HSTS who like currying favor with masculine, right-leaning, bisexual men. Maybe they're HSTS who are embarrassed to be associated with AGPs. Maybe they're AGPs who get their affirmation jollies by being the one TiM that self-described GCs find acceptable.

I don't care. They all need to go away. They're all bad to women and bad for women.

( Persimmon64 )
Absolutely. It's impossible to be a TIM and on women's side. The fact that they call themselves "trans women" and not feminine men shows they believe being a man or woman means ascribing to sexist stereotypes, they believe in magical gender souls, and/or they believe it's possible to "transition" sex somehow.

All TIMs are men pretending to be women. Both HSTS and AGPs are narcissistic misogynists and they need to leave women alone.

( MissBehaved )
I wouldn't even care that they call themselves women provided they stay out of our spaces. They never do though. They ALWAYS want to use the women's loo.



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