various commenters #transphobia

RE: How do you respond to “but women are the ones supporting the trans movement”?

( WatcherattheGates )
Yeah, they truly are not wrong. I gotta tell you, this is what keeps me up at night. There would be zero trans victories without women being their handmaidens. I honestly do not understand it, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

( MarthaMMC )
The ones threatening rape, beatings & killing women are male, however they "identify". The ones posing with guns & bats are male. The billionaires, millionaires & corporate & government & academic & media & sports people who have power are males. The women are the chorus, not the main players. Let's be honest, if no men were pushing it, it wouldn't happen.

( pennygadget )
This reminds me of the joke from Dave Chappelle's special:

"If all the trans-women were Black dudes saying 'I feel like a girl'; the authorities would be like, 'shut up n---! Nobody cares how you fucking feel!'"

I imagine the same would be true if all the trans people were TIFs. Nobody would give a fuck if the whole gender movement was just a bunch of GNC girls whining about their boy souls

( feministdna )
Yes, this is so important. We can't start turning on other women for being responsible for any of this. There is no gray area. I'ts men. Men are violent, men are threatening violence against women in the name of "trans rights," men are pushing further and further into a world where it's socially acceptable to use violence women who disagree with them.

( danaseilhan )
"And a lot of women supported Johnny Depp too, doesn't make them right."

And I disagree that the trans movement would succeed if women didn't support it. The trans movement succeeds because men support it. Women support women's rights and the ERA (although at this point I want to see it made very specific), and we still don't have those.

( Jasper12 )
The trans movement wouldn’t have gained so much leverage if white liberal middle class women didn’t support it.

Most men know it’s BS but they know it’s not going to harm them. They just see severely mentally ill creepy men in dresses hiding behind rich white liberal women screeching about trans rights, back off and categorise it as a « woman » thing.

If the majority of left wing women in postions of power said no to this BS, it would have done and dusted at least five years ago.



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