Oscar Willoughby and Mario Fernandez #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com
GOD ABANDONED is a document of sexual liberation. Through varous academic processes the authors divest celibacy, and expose it for what it is: a raging closeted gay conspiracy, which has existed in all religions, but specifically within Christianity. This conspiracy has been traced from its roots in the Maccabbean Era {BCE 164 ff.] into Essene/Pharisaic St. Paul, into the Church Fathers, and finds it fullest flower in all strands of Christianity. As a finale for this work, the authors have presented the 'this-world' Gospel of John, debunked of all Pauline debris such as 'apostolic succession' and fully resplendent with the teachings and example of Jesus the Messiah of Reason. Judeao-Christianity through its gay priesthood and its priestcraft [as aligned with the prevailing ruling classes] have foisted on humanity a religion which not only abandoned God and Reason, but replaced these [through the auspices of what is termed 'revelation'], with an agendaed and political celibate conspiracy.