sojourner_truth_ , Women1st & BondiBlue #transphobia


( sojourner_truth_ )
Wait, there are states making lists of TIPs? He's just talking about the sex offender registry, right?

( Women1st )
On the other hand…

1. Classification- “cis”
2. Symbolization- insisting womanhood is a stereotypical costume
3. Discrimination- destroying sex based rights
4. Dehumanization- TERF, bigot, Nazi
5. Organization- Trantifa
6. Polarization- TWAW, my womanhood is more bc it is not incidental, my vagina is better/doesn’t bleed- spread all over social media
7. Preparation- posting threats online and stocking weapons
8. Persecution- victims are identified and threatened publicly through social media
9. Extermination- erasure of women and violence against those who don’t agree. This is the ticking time bomb…

( BondiBlue )
They sign up for these records themselves when they force everyone else's premiums to go up as a cost of covering what are essentially cosmetic procedures. And when they do fraudulent shit (legal in some states that have lost contact with reality) like retconning their birth certificates to show that "Trixie Fae Monroe" always existed and "Bob Smith" was never real, or insisting upon a bullshit "X" non-binary designation on their driver's licenses and passports.

None of it amounts to "genocide." By the same standard, diabetics, cancer patients and people who suffer from migraines are on the precipice of "genocide" too.

The more they cry wolf with offensive hyperbole invoking slavery and the Holocaust, the less anybody other than the most deluded of "allies" is going to care.



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