various commenters #transphobia

RE: Help responding to TRA's saying separate is unequal

( Persimmon64 )
Segregation of race and sex are not comparable.

If white people committed 90% of all violent crime and 99% of all sexual crimes, if the majority of those sexual crimes were committed against black people, if only black people were able to be impregnated and only by white people, if white people had a different anatomy that allowed them to rape black people, if white people were on average bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than black people, and if white people used that strength and sexual aggression to dominate black people and dictate their lives for most of human history...I'd say black people would absolutely be justified in wanting their own spaces away from white people, even white people who claim to be black, or want to be black, or who act black like Robert Downey Junior in Tropic Thunder, especially when they were at their most vulnerable.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
I'm for equality. All males should have equal access to the men's bathroom.

( mathlover )
But they do believe that separate but equal is appropriate in some situations. Eg: bathrooms can be binary with separate male and female facilities. Except the larping men want to be in the women's spaces. They don’t actually care about the ethics of "separate but equal". They only use that because everyone knows male and female spaces should be separate for some purposes, and the men want to be able to violate women's boundaries in what are very appropriately women's spaces.

( Exempli_Gratia )
This. TiPs are absolutely entitled to use sex-segregated, binary facilities with every other human on the planet, including bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, shelters and sports. They just have to use the facility which aligns with their binary biological sex, not the one which aligns with the magic voices in their heads telling them they're special.

There's nothing discriminatory about this, either. Everyone uses the facilities according to their biological sex. If TiPs want something else, what they are demanding is not equal rights, but special privileges.



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