[Classists say the darndest things!]
I disagree. If your family has been in America for over 3 generations and you're not a millionaire yet you should leave. America is the country of prosperity and entrepreneurship, if you are not contributing to the culture, you're just being a worthless leech that should leave. White people whose families have been here for generations have 0 excuse to be poor or struggling.
OK. Just don't expect anyone to sell you groceries, produce American-made goods, deliver you stuff, do your hair, clear the snow, tend your garden, serve you food, answer your calls when you want stuff fixed...
@ PakiAnna
But who will lick your boots and clean your toilets if we all leave?
@ Pepe
And people like that mother have the same problem Trump voters have, the inability to think about the long-term consequences of their actions. She does NOT represent everyone who is against Trump, but of course Trump supporters will pretend that she does.
This is not how economics works in any way, shape or form.
@Atrocious Amphibian
strawman argument and unrealistic.
You'd know. After all, you are adept at using such arguments yourself.
THIS, however, is real. Black mother throws his kid out of the house for voting trump in a mock election at school.
Yep. Take a look at what your bigoted shit is wreaking upon America. Regardless of colour, people are losing all semblance of reason and becoming vicious monsters devoid of conscience, and all because the natives of Dumbfuckistan decided to chuck a nuke in a system that was finally starting to realise what they are.
Wouldn't that pretty much include everyone? What is the percentage of millionaires in a healthy society?
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Many of us are quite happy teaching, nursing, counseling, etc. just to mention a few fields for individuals that might not make millions. Not everyone is going to make bank in their most suitable job. And even those jobs that aren't as respected as the ones above are necessary and might be the proper niche for someone.
Opportunity and success are not all about money, but also about the less objective needs we all have.
And who says those who are not millionaires aren't contributing? I pay my taxes and have a responsible position that contributes greatly to our society. I also attend and support cultural events of my preference. Admittedly, while I'm not a millionaire, I'm not "poor" or "struggling."
Last and most importantly: where would we go? My heritage in the past 5 generations includes England, Ireland, and Denmark. I'm sure others have even more complicated genealogy.
There is a point here in that white privilege is so engrained in America and in the West as a whole that if a white person (white men especially) is truly poor and unsuccessful, they are probably so through their own doing as the system is rigged so whites succeed. To say all whites should be millionaires is not how I would have phrased it but the OP is probably just using hyperbole to make a point. Meh'd
"If your family has been in America for over 3 generations [...] you should leave."
Where is Donald Fart's birth certificate...?! [/Col. Tom Parker]
So many bankruptcies. And that $900 million tax loss...!
Nice anti-white racism, m8. I'm white, none of my extended family is wealthy, we're just decent off, but it could have gone the other way. Plus that's extremely racist to white people in areas where white poverty is endemic. Did you vote for Hillary Clinton?
Well, we all knew that the majority of liberals voting for Trump lived in segregated counties (or at least towns) with almost no crime, almost all white anyway. Portland, Oregon--whitest metro area in the US, and most stereotypically liberal.
And you blame it on white privilege? Are you fucking stupid? Gotta be a Poe.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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