Deep Origins #mammon #magick #quack
Based out of Encinitas, California, DEEP ORIGINS is a highly evolved eastern wellness company offering yoga products, meditation products, natural food/bev products and herbal supplements. Our company has expertise in ancient wisdom, digital marketing, product creation/sourcing and content/media.
Core Values
We’re not rebels for the sake of it. We’re rebels because much of the wisdom, science, and technology people could be using to live an empowered life have either been hidden, forgotten or miscommunicated.
If you’ve dug this deep, there’s a good chance you already realize there’s as much transformational potential in subjects like Eastern Medicine/Wellness, Yoga, Meditation, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Archaeology, Vibrational Frequencies and Sustainable there is in cutting-edge pharmaceutical or psychological experiments. And that mindfulness practices, such as meditation...are as crucial to your intellectual development as reading a book every night before bedtime.
We focus on four cores: People, Planet, Purpose & Profits. All our brands and products must somehow or someway be associated within these four to create a sustainable future.
The challenge, however, lies in knowing precisely how to harness unconventional wisdom and share it with the world. And just as importantly, how to avoid the dangerous misinformation and hyperbole surrounding it.
We want to bring together highly qualified and respected consciousness experts, fashion designers, natural medicine practitioners, doctors, scientists, social entrepreneurs, wellness coaches, authors, artists and meditation teachers and all the amazing products that surround empower our human family with scientifically validated tools and wisdom.