TheSpaceDuck #sexist #wingnut

RE: Turns out Canada's infamous infanticide law is worse than i thought. Seems that even LACTATING can be seen as an excuse to murder an infant!

I hate to say it but if women can be irrational due to their hormones to the point of murder, we really should think twice before we elect any female officials into power...I don't want to go to war because our country's leader is PMS'ing or lactating..

This is one of the biggest ironies in the feminist movement: the idea that women are irrational and hormone-fueled is misogyny in every context... except when they're violent. Then it's suddenly a valid excuse.

Feminists attain olympic levels of mental gymnastics when it comes to justifying female violence. To the point of saying that women's prisons should close entirely or blaming "the patriarchy" for a murder committed by a feminist activist.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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