Ableism is a term used to describe severe prejudice against the disabled.
Though there are valid instances of ableism, both historically (such as Adolf Hitler's Aktion T4 program to euthanize disabled people), and contemporarily (such as Planned Parenthood's targeted, eugenicist extermination of millions of babies with disabilities and the leftist, globalist manipulation of mentally ill adolescent Greta Thunberg), it has frequently been used as a buzzword to attack conservatives, classical liberals, and even other leftists, for example when they use the "autistic screeching" meme. The left accused future President Donald J. Trump of ableism during his campaign when they claimed that he mocked a reporter with a disability at a rally. However, it was later proven that he had ridiculed several others using those same gestures.
In September 2019, at one of her campaign events, Kamala Harris laughed in response to a comment by a supporter that Trump supporters are "mentally retarded." She later claimed that she had misheard him.
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