GoodGoneGirl #transphobia

RE: Do you think TIMs are knowingly misogynistic?

I think most TIMs are AGP, not victims of patriarchy. It’s just a fetish to them. My goal is not for them to be respected, my goal is for them to fuck the fuck off. TIMs are forcing the people around them to take part in their fetish and there’s nothing respectable about that. They’ve been socialized to believe that they can get what they want, when they want, while women been socialized to put men’s needs first. It’s a shitty combination that never fails to benefit men, however they identify. I would love for women to care as little about TIM’s feelings as they do about ours.

For the record, if you’d asked me this question six months ago, I would have been uncomfortable with taking such a “strong” position. But I had some doubts when women here expressed views like “all TIMs are perverts” so I went to TIM subs to find out for myself. Can confirm, even the little 13-year-old TIMs are that way because of porn. I’d at least have some sympathy for the kids if they weren’t such misogynist little creeps.



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