BududubNow #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] How are IT responding to the Chadfish experiment?

How are IT trying to respond to the fact that we, incels, are able to get girls to like us, even agree to fuch us if we use other, good looking men's pictures on out dating app profiles (Chadfish) while being ourselves vs using our own pics?

They dont respond to it, they cant. The Chadfish is our ultimate weapon, it proves bluepilled tropes like "Personality" and "Confidence" are literally meaningless compared to SMV.

The only thing I've ever seen them say to refute the chadfish experiments are "But muh only 10 girls" I've seen 100's of documented cases on r/chadfish (which was one of the first cel subreddits to get banned on cuckit.) To know its not just anecdota it's a large enough case study.

Plus your own Chadfish experiments will be the final blackpill. I remember personally using some tall white Chad's pictures and just sending the eggplant emoji with a question mark and getting addresses and phone numbers immediately. It's seriously that easy

Can I see which pictures you used for your Chadfis? I wanted to make my own Chadfish but IDK where to find legit looking pics of a Chad that would show the same person and be believeable at the same time.

This was a long time ago. Look up "male model" in instagram and use one with less than 1000 matches. If legit chad guaranteed to work and will have no issues getting recognized

The bolder ones that really double down claim you'd be able to have the same results with your actual pics (because using Chad's pic made you confident, kek). The less bolder ones just dismiss it saying that Tinder is not real life and real life works differently.

1. But I literally first got 100x the matches as a Chad vs me, what does it have to do with confidence? Also I spoke the same way as a Chad as I did when I was myself.
2. majority of people meet online nowadays. Online = real life.



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