metabuxx #sexist

RE: [RageFuel] women have it so good

i have no job prospects, no money and no future. Not even a college diploma. Any job i can get will at most be 1k to 2k a month, meanwhile women will just become some simp's housewife and never worry about employability. Women are clowns and the government is useless

Every foid ever - "We will marry a guy and tell him we will never cheat and then when we are ovulating we will have sex with Chads and orgasm to retain his sperm and fake orgasms with our beta husband expelling all of his sperms. He will never know that he is supporting Chad's babies.

After we have our children we divorce him, take the children, most of the property and half of his salary. We will leave leave the man with enough to live on so he can continue making child support payments.

We rock queens!! Slay that man. We are strong and independent!!"




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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