WOLF97777777 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com
As of we all know, recently over the years there have been people in western europe receiving visits from the police and even facing jail time for posts on the internet that were deemed offensive or unpopular. Events such as this have become a common occurrence for white european citizens ranging from a variety of German, British, French and Swedish. The posts mostly consisted of questioning mass immigration and criticizing a certain religion online. Do I believe this is justified? No. The people should be allowed to have their opinions without worrying about the police showing up at their doorstep moments later, this is essentially thought control at it's finest and it goes against the citizens right to free speech. However I do believe terroristic threats should be monitored and those giving out threats on the internet should get a visit if they really seem legit, but offensive jokes that are completely harmless should not be a crime and the same thing goes for the 40 something year old boomer who likes to post asking if a certain religion is peaceful. Because asking questions and criticizing something is not a form of violence.