Various Commenters #transphobia

(@bernie_eee )

Intimidate, insult and frighten women - why we need single sex spaces. Bravo the men he works with BTW

Creepy man tries to use womens bathroom, get's all butthurt when he realises the world doesn't revolve around his fetish.
'I just want to pee....but only in the ladies!'

Good on the 2 guys!!! I hope ALL MEN do this everywhere.

What a brave chap he is, telling old ladies to fuck off. What was his reaction to a couple of blokes making the same point? Did he meekly trot off to the correct facility or pee in his pants?

He just needs to pee…. Well go to the men’s room idiot.

“Two men saves little old ladies from being told to fuck off by scary perverts in the ladies room”



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