Re: Game of Thrones: Decoded
95% plus of characters are white
That's the main idea. Game of Thrones is designed to smear and slander white people as the most evil people in the world. And we are being humiliated as a race on that show with all of the nudity and sexual deviance, sadism, homosexuality, you name it. If it's evil, it's found in that show.
The Jews have a lot to answer for. Their crimes against the white race will bring down upon them hellfire -- and that's even before they go to hell.
Game of Thrones is designed to smear and slander white people as the most evil people in the world
Including Tyrion Lannister, eh?
Not seeing Team Para-GB's Ellie Simmonds complaining.
Very much the hero with the Golds she won in 2012 London & 2016 Rio, the Goddess of the Pool will only be loved by the Anglophile Japanese in the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics.
Just ask those from that country who were here seven years ago.
Ellie & Mr Dinklage have become quite the titans in their respective professions, I'd say.
So if there's non-white people, it's propaganda. If it's all white people it's still propaganda because every story needs a bad guy. And playing to semi-historical low-fantasies about social norms that quite a few modern day racists and sexists spouting "tradition" fantasize about dragging society back to because they're under the impression they'd be the aristocracy and everybody else would have to cater to their ideas of what role they play in society that makes everybody the bad guy... except of course those "traditionalists" who think all the liberal diversity and women's rights and such has ruined modern civilization. And that's apparently racist.
And Jews are behind it all because of course it's Jews. Evidently nobody else has ever done anything noteworthy in all of human history.
I am amazed at how much the Jews can actually do (according to some people, they are behind every influential event on the Planet), considering that they make up approx. 0.2% of the worlds population. They must really know their stuff.
"That's the main idea. Game of Thrones is designed to smear and slander white people as the most evil people in the world."
But, but, but.... Orson Scott Card is Mormon! A church that once taught that only white people could get to Mormon Heaven. A church that in my lifetime taught that a black man had been such a good Mormon that God's reward was to turn him white one night.
Your paranoid fantasy is at odds with the facts available...
Perhaps it’s almost all-white because white is seen as “neutral”, and if you want to paint INDIVIDUALS as evil, it’s better to have an all white cast, or the non-white evil people will be seen as representatives for an all-evil group of people. (All “white” terrorists are seen as lone crazies, while all “Muslim” terrorists are seen as doing some Jihad, being part of Al Qaeda/Daesh.)
Yeah, those Jews are apparently incredibly powerful, considering they are just around 15 million people.
They must be busy as bees, being involved in every tiny detail in the whole wide world.
"MLP:FiM" ends with this 9th series.
Princess Celestia. Fleur de Lys. Rarity.
The character voiced by Tara Strong is purple .
Really, I thought Game of Thrones was there to deconstruct multiple high fantasy tropes with the heroic characters ending up dead or corrupted/traumatised by their experiences rather than coming out with their heads high and filled with gold.
Besides, the show has ended. Now we just have to endure the painful sequel: The Conservative Leadership Contest (especially if it's anything like the last one)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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