Various Commenters #wingnut
RE: The percentage of women who’ve experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life
Western and nordic countries looking bad >65% upvoted. This fucking sub.
It's the same 3 responses over and over: "women/police lying", "women dum and don't know any better", "fake data". Whenever there's a map with Eastern Europe looking better than the Western Europe this sub becomes the groundhog day simulator.
data are not homogeneized
Wrong, see top comment. "All statistics are meaningless" - pure copium.
They just want to confirm ther bias 'west good east bad'. It's clearly visible in every thread that doesn't yell WESTERN EUROPE SUPERIOR!
”From the source, this instead is the result of non partner violence. I see a strong correlation.”
Of course they are correlated, they are purposely confounding the issues to push a narrative.
Or maybe there's no narrative, and the W/N countries are simply worse in this particular regard.
My god under EVERY MAP which shows Northern and Western Europe in a worse light, i barely have to scroll for the "this cant be Right" or "they dont report it" comments.
Yes but one must admit that the figures are a bit surprising.
Why are they surprising?
In Poland there is a new shitty law that gives Police the right to instantly kick you out for 14 days when a woman reports a domestic violence event, even if its your own house. You can't even take anything with you. There's been stories already where people came back to their home from work only to kiss the door handle. I'd say Polish women have it very well and many of them even abuse their rights.