Jeff Dunetz #fundie #wingnut

Two weeks ago, Bernie Sanders released a video to say he is “very proud to be Jewish” and that he looks forward to “becoming the first Jewish president in the history of this country.” I am not the Jewish police; therefore, as Bernie’s mother was Jewish, and he never converted according to Jewish law, Bernie IS Jewish. But if he is really proud to be Jewish, Sanders should be spending time studying Jewish theology. Because in many cases, socialism’s teachings are totally antithetical to Jewish teachings.

Karl Marx famously said, “Religion is the opium of the people.” Following Marx’s lead, socialism tries to replace God with a socialist Government. It destroys principals that are inherent to both Jewish and American traditions, such as limited government, individual responsibility, and traditional morals.
This rabbinical story teaches us that it’s essential to have faith and believe God may eventually help us. Still, we cannot get that help until we take personal responsibility and act on our own. This, too, is antithetical to socialist philosophy, which teaches that government is the first place to look for help rather than looking at one’s self, family, and community.

On the other hand, socialism teaches citizens that the government will always bear the responsibility of protecting you; there is no individual responsibility, just the collective bailout. Instead of what the Torah teaches, each one of us assuming personal responsibility and using our good deeds to gain closeness to God. Per our rabbinical sages, following the 613 commandments are the Jewish version of what Thomas Jefferson called “the pursuit of happiness.”

It is God who instilled in us a personal responsibility to do the right thing, and also provided mankind with the choice to accept that responsibility or not. There is no room in our government faith for a government that forces their interpretation of the right thing down our throats. Per our rabbinical sages, following the 613 commandments in the Torah are the Jewish version of what Thomas Jefferson called “the pursuit of happiness.”

Bernie Sanders may be proud to be a Jew, but I suspect that’s for political purposes only But there is no argument about him being Jewish. That doesn’t change because of his anti-Israel policies or that the fact his campaign is filled with anti-Semites such as Linda Sarsour and James Zogby, and Shawn Scott, just to name a few.

While he is a Jew, the objective of Bernie’s Socialism is the government to supplant the role of God and take away the freedom of choice endowed by our created when we were created in Eden. Taking away that choice that is entirely antithetical to Jewish teaching. That’s why Jews who believe in God, must vote against and campaign against Bernie Sanders from becoming president. America is one nation under God, not one government that IS God.

If the above isn’t a good enough reason, just remember how Jews fared in the two most infamous socialist countries of the past century the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) and the Soviet Union.



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