@saeterjenta #transphobia twitter.com

What is
It is the moment you see the emperor is naked. It can’t be unseen.

It is the moment when you stop being “both sides” and realise there is no both sides to sterilising children with puberty blockers and hormones.
No both sides to safe guarding women’s spaces

So when did you peak?

I peaked late in January 2022 after realising what kind of utter bullying from a group of grown men with large Twitter-accounts (trans allies) two of my Twitter sisters

They had been active long before I realised 2/

Before that, I had been kind. I had pressed “Like” on every tweet that had said “Trans women are women” (my excuse: I had no idea they meant it literally). I had written supportive comments to those who wrote that the TERFS just wanted the trans women to not exist. 3/

Before that, I believed the false narrative that the the gender critical people wanted trans people dead.

I had believed the false narrative that young people would kill themselves unless they got puberty blockers and hormones. Before that, I thought sex change was possible 4/

Before that I hadn’t understood the fuzz of not welcoming trans women into women’s changing rooms.

Before that, I thought all trans women were gorgeous influencers who had been dysphoric since they were toddlers and BELONGED in the women’s spaces. 5/

Before that, I didn’t have a clue that 90% of trans women have made no change to their body whatsoever, to look like a woman.
Thus their naked body is a male’s body.

Before that I had never heard of the self-ID-law, that was enforced in Norway in 2016, by the conservative government of
and her ministry of health,
(two of my former favourite politicians).

Before that, I didn’t know that all it takes for a man to “become a woman” in Norway, is to send an electronic form to the authorities.

“Self-ID”, thus no consultation needed beforehand.

One electronic form to become a woman and get access to vulnerable women’s safe spaces. 8/

Before that, I thought schools taught there are two sexes.
I knew that one sexologist (a trans), who hadn’t done any research but yet was referred to as a professor, claimed there were 7 sexes and that there is a difference between the sex you are and the sex you feel you are 9/



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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