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The King Messiah is meant to rule the world, so you must realize that acceptance from all other faiths is a necessity. Whatever your personal beliefs are concerning King Messiah, one thing you must immediately realize is that RayEl’s life has matched Abrahamic prophecies perfectly, and
HUNDREDS of Torah Code tables have been discovered, published, and independently verified that identify him as the Messiah by name, titles and intimate details; some Torah Code tables having computer calculated odds against chance at well over a TRILLION to one. One must
either accept that he is in fact the Messiah, or the beneficiary of the most incredible string of coincidences in the history of the universe.
Curriculum Vitae:
Raymond Elwood Lear was conceived during the blood-moon tetrad that occurred in alignment with the Hebrew feast calendar. He was conceived on the blood-moon eclipse that fell on the Hebrew holiday of "Sukkot" (October 18, 1967), so he was being brought into this world just after the
reunification of Jerusalem. {The blood-moon tetrad prior to his birth, fulfills the Christian expectation of Acts 2:20}
Raymond Elwood Lear was born in the U.S., in the State of Illinois, on the evening of June 9th, 1968 (Christian Orthodox Pentecost, the time many Christian theologians believed he would return),which by Jewish timekeeping standards would have been June 10th.
{The Torah Code identifies his birthday as June 10th as well}.
His biological father was William Collins, a Rosicrucian of the famous Collins dynasty, which is directly descended from King David. Though there is much speculation on the Internet about the Jewish Collins bloodline being the top occult Illuminati family, we maintain that what actually makes it special is its direct Davidic lineage.
Because Chicago’s notorious crime and corruption problem infamously extends into public policy, police and politicians, Raymond found himself fighting far more than just well-armed street gangs. The public saw him as ‘the only incorruptible man in Chicago’, and pushed him to run for public office to clean up the system from the top.
When Raymond ran for office, it terrified the corrupted politicians and police, because Raymond could not be bribed or intimidated, so they conspired to commit a terrible crime against him and his family. They killed his stepfather, kidnapped and drugged his fiancée, and jailed both him and his elderly mother on false charges, all to keep him out of office. {His false persecution and imprisonment where prophesied in Matthew 25:36}
After this ordeal, Raymond was secretly removed from the U.S., and during January of 2011, he was kept in the “International Zone” between the U.S. and Mexico, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, because it led to the fulfillment of Jewish, Christian and Muslim prophecy regarding
The Messiah’s arrival.
The border comprising the U.S./Mexico “International Zone” is symbolized by the gathering of eagles (American Bald Eagle/Mexican Golden Eagle). This is where Raymond was when the Holy Spirit descended on January 28th 2011, east of Damascus gate, over the white minaret on Temple
Mount. It flashed like lightening, and traveled west to join with Raymond in the U.S./Mexico border zone.
You can watch the news coverage of the event here: https://youtu.be/LpzKeJAP8bc
He was then instructed to take a new name, “RA-EL” (or “RayEl” using Hebrew vowel rules), which is a truncation of his first and middle names RAymond ELwood, and it’s his last name, Lear, spelled backwards.