various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @MarkCollett )
Anyone find it strange that when a white person does as little as utter a 'racial slur', it often gets more news coverage than when a black person murders a white person?
We live in an anti-white world where the media is the primary tool used to attack people of European descent.

( @SickoftheBSguy83 )
@MarkCollett This just in...student calls black student nigger! *abc news reports this as breaking news*
Meanwhile a nigger rapes and murders a white woman and kills her 3 month old baby after breaking into her home but the news refuses to report on that. This is why i dont watch tv as much anymore. By watching that garbage of lies you are supporting the filth they produce for you to watch. Stop supporting the lies.

( @RabidNationalist )
@MarkCollett Who runs the media again?

( @Sanyo4080 )
@RabidNationalist @MarkCollett

( @Kidbrightwillow )

FACT - Black Americans, per capita, are exceedingly violent.

Violent crimes per million population in 2018:

Violent crimes per million population in 2019:

Citations below spreadsheet.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@Kidbrightwillow @MarkCollett Multiculturalism via forced association IS PRISON. A prison where the Jew is the warden.

( @jh71 )
@Kidbrightwillow @MarkCollett between niggers and Democrats ..if we get rid of both it could be a real nice country.

( @johannbraun2005 )
@MarkCollett most news organizations are controlled by jews. That may have something to do with the unbalanced coverage of events.

( @Randallz )
@MarkCollett niggerniggerniggernigger kikeđź‘Ť

( @Randallz )
@MarkCollett kikekikekikekikekike gooknigger



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