[response to a video of former leaders of "ex-gay" group Exodus apologising for their part in the minstry and speaking against such therapies]
I wouldnt be a bit surprised if these folks werent part of the homosexual agenda from the beginning and had this planned. It wouldnt be the first time homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children, or to mock God. Notice they all talk about how they discovered gay Christians everywhere on earth and this was what helped them understand. If every converted Christian from every sin used that excuse there would be no Christians!
Homosexuals do not "recruit."
If your kid is gay, it's 'cause he or she was born that way. Absolutely no other reason.
Get the fuck over it.
Typical--they simply can't allow themselves to believe that someone tried things their way, put in a valiant effort, decided it wasn't working for them, and found something better. Instead they have to trash the walkaway and say they were never "real" Christians (meaning their particular very noisy and conservative kind of Christian). It's not just ex-ex-gays they say this about.
It's not just ex-ex-gays they say this about.[/]
Oh, God no. I've seen a few dozen quotes on here, with people VICIOUSLY attacking someone for having a crisis of faith, and, as opposed to...I dunno, comforting them, and helping them through their issues, they hurl them out of the clubhouse, slam the door the moment their ass clears the threshold, white out the name on the Bible, and screech about how they righteously dealt with an unbeliever.
It's sickening, really.
...to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children...
Gays do not want to recrute children, unlike you.
"Typical--they simply can't allow themselves to believe that someone tried things their way, put in a valiant effort, decided it wasn't working for them, and found something better. Instead they have to trash the walkaway and say they were never "real" Christians (meaning their particular very noisy and conservative kind of Christian). It's not just ex-ex-gays they say this about."
Thats just a rather pathetic subeset of the mentality these people have that anything that proves them wrong has to be a fraud, a conspiracy, etc. geologist laughs at the the thought of a 6000 year old earth? he's out to get christian, cant possibly have looked at the evidence and come to that conclusion. Someone who believed just as much as them looked past the amazing obvious proof for god and converted? They never believed, frauds. Homosexuals actually subject themselves to their pray the gay away and choose to be straight BS and it doesnt work at all? Liars, they where out to get us. Its alot like the conspiracy theorist and every piece of evidence against them just being planted by The Man.
It wouldnt be the first time homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children, or to mock God.
Homosexuals have had to plan out things for decades? WTF? Give an example of something.
You are delusional.
To stay on the positive side of things:
I think that it is amazing that the video exists in the first place. These people sincerely and humbly apologize for the pain they've caused. It sounds like they are great members of society now, in contrast to the deliberately mindless drones that they were before.
This really shows that there is hope. Even the worst of the bigoted fundies (ones that are even violently bigoted against themselves) can actually turn away from that mindset and start thinking for themselves. I think that's great.
Homosexuals don't recruit, Christians and ex-gays do.
There is no gay agenda, there is a very clear Christian agenda.
Homosexuality never hurt anyone, bigotry brought about by religion is hurtful.
Look in the mirror.
The facts have a well known bias against your belief system. Perhaps they're in on this vast homosexual-atheist-Freemason-Inexpensivemason -Illuminati conspiracy, too.
There goes another keyboard...
Does anyone know what he's trying to say, here?
And doesn't that user-name just quietly scream "Poe"? Or is that just me?
ETA: ::snrk:: "Inexpensivemason" -- I see what you did there!
@854938 -- That's why I don't drink *anything* while on this site!
Holy fucking hell! These insane douchebags are still going on about the non-existent "homosexual agenda"? Really implausible and constantly refuted conspiracy theories fiction FTL.
Can't they see the irony in the fact they accuse groups with opposing views of having preposterous "agendas" when they are the ones always blabbing on about rounding up and converting/exiling/killing all non-Christians?
"If every converted Christian from every sin used that excuse there would be no Christians!"
I did not know until now that Christians came from different sins. I thought they were all products of lust. Maybe some Christians arise from Gluttony (being puked into existence) or Sloth (festering under uncleaned carpets until sentient).
"homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades"
I am a homosexual but I really do not have anywhere near the capacity for such patience. I don't even know what I'm going to have for lunch on Saturday.
"It wouldnt be the first time homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children, or to mock God."
Okay, any gay folk reading this, please enlighten this foolish breeder: are you guys really this organized?
gargoyle1, to quote a gay singing duo, Romanowski and Phillips.
They're always going on about the gay agenda. As if gay people could agree on anything for 5 minutes...
There is no such thing as a True Christian so the point is moot.
The "No True Christian" argument the hypocrites always use is null and void from the start simply because there is no agreement from any of them on what it means to be a "True Christian".
No one is able to live up to the standards of the most strident believers, including themselves.
I wouldnt be a bit surprised if these folks werent part of the homosexual agenda from the beginning and had this planned. It wouldnt be the first time homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children, or to mock God.
Any proven examples? No? Didn't think so... you just believe they do that because you KNOW Christians will do, and have done, the same things...
On a side note, isn't it interesting that a couple of weeks prior to this, they were using the claims from the leaders of Exodus as proof that "Teh Gayz" could be cured... yet now they insist that the very same people are just making shit up.
Does this mean they now admit there isn't any proof Teh Gayz can be cured?
"It wouldnt be the first time homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children, or to mock God."
For fuck's sake, these are gay people, not Fu Manchu! You make it sound like they have some sort of diabolical world domination plot, replete with island lairs built into volcanoes and orbital death rays!
All they want is to be happy with the ones they love, be treated like everyone else, and not get killed on the sidewalk because of it! It's not like they're going to nuke Fort Knox or steal the Moonraker satellite!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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