Off Shore #fundie

(commenting on story “Supreme Court Rules ‘Transgenders,’ Such as Men Who Want to Wear Skirts, Cannot Be Fired in 6-3 Decision”):

So the GI should be able to wear blaze orange on the battle field? The service repair person wears what they want, so our ladies can't tell if they work for the company they are expecting? The cop should be able to wear a pink tutu, so we can't tell who the good guy is? Hey the fireman can wear plastic nylons so when they enter the heat it melts to their bodies. You are thinking is emotional not based on reason nor plain common sense. My company picks our uniforms to display our message not your personal desires. Put your hard earned money on the line and your ignorant ideas would fade quickly or you would be bankrupt either way reality would be served. The world is going to be judged repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, Romans 10:9-11.



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