Gregory Hood #racist
Could ‘The Turk’ Reunite Europe?
Back in 2017, European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said Hungary and Poland’s opposition to mass migration would have caused the EU to reject them if they weren’t already member states. An investigation that same year found Angela Merkel had violated German law when she opened the borders to migrants, but she still claimed she would do nothing differently. French president Emmanuel Macron criticized the Italian government in 2018 for not accepting an “NGO” boat loaded with refugees.
Many European leaders like the positive press they get for supporting immigration, but they usually don’t want migrants settling in their countries. Angela Merkel wants them settled in a “fairer” way, which means she wants them spread around because they are burden. President Macron’s France dumped refugees in Italy. Former Italian deputy prime minister Salvini said Italy must not be the “refugee camp of Brussels, Paris, Berlin.” European leaders want to spread the cost of immigration.
The obvious solution would be a collective effort to stop the flow. Instead, Europeans keep trying to dump unwanted migrants on each other — until now. Turkey may be forcing Europeans finally to take a common stand.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently said he was opening the borders with Europe and encouraging millions of people to go. He says he might stop if the EU gives him political and economic benefits. He now says Greece’s attempts to control migrants were “no different” than what the Nazis did.
President Erdogan is showing the world that “refugees” are a weapon for use against enemies. While Time, the New York Times, Jacobin, and CNN try to build sympathy for migrants, Greeks have had enough. Their country has sent troops to the border and is using tear gas and water cannon on migrants. Civilian patrols are helping nab anyone who gets through. The head of the Greek Orthodox Church went to the border to bless the guards. In a joint effort, Greece and Bulgaria flooded the Evros River — a natural boundary with Turkey — to stop infiltrators.
European leaders must stop migrants or be embarrassed by doing the bidding of an Islamic authoritarian. And they are finally showing some backbone. Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz said he was “grateful that Greece and the Greek government are protecting the Greek and European borders.” Current European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen called Greece a “European shield.” The EU is sending more money.
Talks between the EU and Turkey that were supposed the solve the crisis broke down yesterday, and President Erdogan left without participating in a joint press conference. For now, the EU hasn’t surrendered to blackmail, and even Angela Merkel says Turkey’s behavior is “unacceptable.”
Not long ago, it seemed that Turkey could become an EU member. Boris Johnson supported the plan. Today, now-Prime Minister Boris Johnson is leading the United Kingdom out of the EU and Turkish membership is out of the question. It makes more sense to expel Turkey from NATO than to bring it into European institutions.
“The Turk” has always been a foe to Europe. We should thank President Erdogan for reminding us. Turkish police are diving migrants into Europe. Turkish nationalist gangs are reportedly forcing non-Turks out of the country. Mr. Erdogan has shown the world migrants are a burden and a threat, and has embarrassed EU leaders into standing with Greece. He then has the gall to accuse Greece, a country occupied by the Third Reich, of Nazi tactics. Journalists lobbying for more migration will have a hard time justifying such cynicism.
American Renaissance annually “honors” a White Renegade of the Year — the white person who did us the most damage. Perhaps we need to start naming the Most Useful PoC of the Year. President Erdogan has my vote, so far. He’s making our arguments for us. We couldn’t have done it any better.