American Tax Payer #racist
RE: Chinese Immigrant Ex-CIA Officer Sentenced For Selling Secrets To (Surprise!) The Chinese
"ethnically Chinese, or Chinese immigrants" - What's the difference? The asians who are not working for China, I mean, the CIA, FBI or some other Government Agency are still asians only here to colonize and steal and cheat and take over whatever they can.
Perhaps the lesson here is to remember WHO Asians really are; NOT White. Not "honorary" White neither.
Is this the "honorary white" people? An AMERICAN, a REAL White Man was denied that job for this "honorary white" one. "Honor" is meaningless with asians in charge.
I do respect the Japanese and the South Koreans somewhat. Even they do not trust the Communist Chinese.
Do Japs and Koreans Respect White People? The answer is clearly, a Big Fat HELL NO. Japs tortured Americans to death but Americans were forced to give them money for being detained in a day camp where they were treated with kid gloves and Congress gave them an official apology. Did the Japs give us one? NO, they did NOT. Japs got museums HERE, IN America. How many museums do Americans have in Japan? I'm guessing none.
Same goes for Korea. I hardly think the Koreans treated American Soldiers with any kind of decency and hey, what about Otto? Even in these modern times, they will torture an American to death any chance they git. And yes, I know Otto was in North Korea but not even those allegedly great South Koreans spoke up about Otto nor do they come here to assimilate neither as they also have their own korean set-asides here in America at the expense of Americans.
Look, I gotta tell ya, I get real sick and tired of people fawning over asians or talking them up when it's not the asians who are being invaded and oppressed and discriminated against or having their culture and history lied about and erased and overwritten no, it's ONLY WHITE PEOPLE that it's being done to so no, I do not respect asians or blacks or hispanics or middle easterners at all.