Althaea Sebastiani #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie

Reminder that "soft polytheism" does not exist.

Polytheism is the belief in many autonomous & individual gods. Qualifiers to that (i.e., soft) render it something else.

It's okay to be a pantheist.
It's okay to be a panentheist.

Neither of those things makes you a polytheist.

Pantheism is routinely and historically used to erase the existence of polytheism and prop up Christian religious dominance. Even if we ignore that (and we shouldn't, because this is harmful and has real world consequences).

Believing in an ambiguous divine force present in all things (pantheism) or an ambiguous divine force that exists in all things yet also exists separate from all things in some sort of collective (panentheism) is in no way the same as believing in *distinct* autonomous Beings.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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