Various Commenters #wingnut

baby_killer.exe has stopped working

Intelligent pro-choicer: “A person is defined by the ability to kill a fetus, a fetus does not have the ability to kill a fetus therefore it is not a person”.

Abortionist: "A person is defined by their ability to commit atrocities".

Me: "That's just projection".

"A fetus doesn't exist because its not conscious."

-Actual argument someone threw at me today.

Neither is a person in a coma…

They have to be joking, like seriously, THEY HAVE TO JOKING, SOMEONE CAN'T BE THAT DELUSIONAL, RIGHT?

I got something better. "You are killing potential woman with abortion because of inconvenience, that seems rather misogynistic dont you think?"

The fetus could also be a transgender. So it’s also really transphobic 🐸

It could also be gay, so it is also really homophobic 🦁

Babies are all the different races, it's pretty racist to kill them if you ask me

Nope. They are never flustered. They have a definition at the ready and will die clinging to it

There's no way to define it without digging yourself a hole.

Apparently not to them. They most commonly say "sentience" or "brain activity." The trouble is that makes a degree of sense

What you reply with is examples of people with limited brain activity/sentience eg someone in a coma. You wouldn't just kill them, especially if you knew that they would wake up in a few months.

I do all the time. Either it's brushed off or pointed out that we unplug such people all the time

At a certain point you may find that the person you are talking to is literally pro-murder. Not much to say after that point I admit.



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