Journey To The Heart #fundie #mammon
The Akashic Records level I
The 2 day workshop on 4 DVDs
Cost: $113.00 set Includes $6 Shipping to US/CAN
The Akashic Records Level I:
At last…the ultimate in-home resource for personal change; work using The Akashic Records; more than just a book, the complete weekend workshop on 4 DVD’s, along with the complete manual and meditations used during the class.
This complete workshop is specially designed to be accessible to everyone. No prior experience, no need for psychic abilities, just an open heart and the willingness to learn a Sacred Prayer.
You can own this whole program for less than half of a live workshop; with the benefit of being able to view and review the material as many times as you want.
What you'll learn:
*How to open YOUR Akashic Records using a Sacred Prayer
*Grace Points ~ Physical points of Action to anchor information received or let go of what no longer serves you.
*The Art of Questioning ~ Learn how to formulate your questions to deepen your experience.
*How to Align, Attune and Allow for this sacred energy to flow…
*An easy way to connect to Akasha
*The must powerful way to protect yourself
*How to use this energy with any other modality