Two unnamed neighbours of Divine Kinekela #racist

This June 21, 2024, the Montargis public prosecutor's office announces that it has taken action following the broadcast of an episode of the flagship program “Envoyé Spécial”, as part of the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. The extract in question is the one which shows a couple of supporters of the National Rally covering their neighbor with racist insults: Divine Kinekela, a black caregiver. The couple allegedly threw insults at him like “bonobo” or “we’re at home, go to the doghouse” followed by monkey noises

In a press release, the public prosecutor Jean-Cédric Graux justifies his decision: “The words and behaviors observed could be criminalized as public and non-public insults of a racial nature, public provocation to discrimination and violence without incapacity of a racial nature, the Montargis public prosecutor's office took up these facts” The latter also specifies that the maximum penalty incurred is three years' imprisonment and 45 euros



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